Board Game Search


A valid query in this language is comprised of any number of terms, combined or modified in certain ways. All terms may be:

-is:expansion (mechanic:"Dice Rolling" best-players=2) or (category:economic best-players=4)

For example, the above query would match any games, which are not expansions, and are **either dice rolling games that play best with 2 players, or are economic games** that play best with 4 players

Most terms have shortcuts, so if you like saving time, the above query could also be written as follows:

-is:e (m:"Dice Rolling" bp=2) or (c:economic bp=4)

There are also some behaviors that are specific to the type of the term:

Term Reference


Matches the game's minimum recommended player age

age<=12 Matches any game that would be suitable for pre-teens


Matches a part of the games primary name

art:"jakub rozalski" Games where Jakub Rozalski supplied artwork


Compares against the average user rating of a game

average-rating<6.5 Matches any game with an average rating below 6.5


Compares against the game's average rated complexity

average-weight>=3.7 Matches against games with an average weight of at least 3.7


Matches against the number of players that are best for a game as determined by the BGG community

best-players=3 Matches any game that plays best with 3 players


Matches a part of the name of any of the game's categories

category:act Matches any game in the Abstract Strategy, Industry / Manufacturing, or Action / Dexterity categories


Matches part of the game's description

desc:flip Matches any game that includes the word flip in its description


Matches a part of the name of any of the game's designers

design:uwe Matches any game designed by someone named Uwe


Matches any games that expands the supplied game ID

expands:13 Expansions for Catan


Matches a part of the name of any of the game's families

family:dominion Matches any game in the Dominion family


Compares against the game's BGG GeekRating metric

geek-rating>=8.0 Matches any game with a GeekRating of at least 8.0


Only matches against games which are collections of other games

is:collection family:carcassonne Show any games that collects other games in the Carcassonne family


Only matches against expansions

  • is:expansion family:carcassonne Expansions for Carcassonne
  • -is:expansion Only standalone games

Expansions which increase the maximum player count over the base game

is:pce or -is:e qp=5 Show games which are naturally good at 5 players, or games which are now good at 5 players due to an expansion increasing the player count


Games which are reimplementations of others

-is:reimplementation -is:collection -is:expansion Only shows standalone games which are the original version


Matches against the community-submitted language dependence level of the game. The possible values are as follows:

  • 0 No necessary in-game text
  • 1 Some necessary text - easily memorized or small crib sheet
  • 2 Moderate in-game text - needs crib sheet or paste ups
  • 3 Extensive use of text - massive conversion needed to be playable
  • 4 Unplayable in another language
  • language-dependence<=1 Matches any game that may easily be played in other languages
  • ld=4 Matches any game that must be played in the published language

Matches against games that play well at a particular player count according to feedback given by a simple majority of the players of said game. This majority includes both best and recommended player ratings

majority-players=3 Matches any game that plays well with 3 people as rated by more than 50% of players


Matches against the maximum number of players supported by a game

min-players=2 max-players=5 Matches any game that plays exactly 2 to 5 players


Matches against the maximum number of minutes needed to play a game

max-playtime<=30 Matches any game you can definitely complete in a half-hour


Matches a part of the name of any of the game's mechanics

mechanic:building Matches any game with Pattern Building, Route/Network Building, or Deck / Pool Building mechanics


Matches against the median number of minutes required to play a game, as sourced by BGG user play data

median-playtime<=60 Matches against any game that typically plays in an hour or less


Matches against the median number of minutes required to play a game with 1 player, as sourced by BGG user play data

median-playtime-1<=60 Matches against any game that typically plays in an hour or less with 1 players


Matches against the median number of minutes required to play a game with 2 player, as sourced by BGG user play data

median-playtime-2<=60 Matches against any game that typically plays in an hour or less with 2 players


Matches against the median number of minutes required to play a game with 3 player, as sourced by BGG user play data

median-playtime-3<=60 Matches against any game that typically plays in an hour or less with 3 players


Matches against the median number of minutes required to play a game with 4 player, as sourced by BGG user play data

median-playtime-4<=60 Matches against any game that typically plays in an hour or less with 4 players


Matches against the median number of minutes required to play a game with 5 player, as sourced by BGG user play data

median-playtime-5<=60 Matches against any game that typically plays in an hour or less with 5 players


Matches against the minimum number of required players

min-players>=3 Matches any game that is playable with at least 3 players


Matches against the minimum number of minutes needed to play a game

min-playtime>=480 Matches Twilight Imperium


Matches a part of the games primary name

name:catan Games with Catan in the name


Games which are owned by a particular BGG user. Currently, you must manually pull your BGG collection to initialize/update it. This must be done before you use this term

own:nafarlee bp=2 Only show games which are owned by nafarlee and are best with 2 players


Matches a part of the name of any of the game's publishers

publish:z-man Matches any game published by Z-Man Games


Matches against games that play well at a particular player count according to feedback given by a quorum (currently 65%) of the players of said game. This quorum includes both best and recommended player ratings

quorum-players=3 Matches any game that plays well with 3 people as rated by at least 4 out of 5 players


Compares against the deviation in the game's ratings

rating-deviation>=1.5 Matches against very divisive games


Compares against the number of user ratings the game has received

rating-votes>=1000 Matches any game with at least 1000 user ratings


Matches against the number of players that are recommended by the BGG community

rec-players=3 Matches any game that plays well with 3 players


Compares against the game's number of complexity ratings

weight-votes<1000 Matches any games that have less than 100 weight votes


Matches the year a game was released

year=2018 family:"roll-and-write" All the new Roll-and-Write games